Our Mission
Make a perfect pathway between world premium brands in FMCG sector and final consumers in Baltic States region, creating brand awareness and recognition

Our Products
Brands we work with

About company
From year 2005 CFF Baltija has been providing premium quality product distribution in the Baltic markets. Professional marketing solutions and creative thinking goes hand in hand in our logical everyday operations that allow us to say: we are a strong team with experience.
Our offer and priorities:
- great and high quality products received by partners
- easy to use and structured work scheme
- loyalty and support
- ship supply service, minivans etc.
- from kiosk`s, gas stations and post offices to supermarkets
- stronger brand recognition in the Baltic states
- satisfied and happy end consumer – only then are we also
- long term and stable cooperation to still please new consumers
- HoReCa business
CCF Baltija in its own way is a bridge that connects retail, wholesale stores, hotels, restaurants and café`s with You, dear consumers. We care a lot that our sellers and consumers are satisfied.
In the meantime we provide high quality logistics and marketing services to our commercial partners: precise structure, safe solutions, well-considered approach, and excellent result. E-Commerce possibilities. Our biggest partners are: Lidl, Rimi, Maxima, Circle K, Narvesen et al. Join us and learn how you can grow your business in other ways.
We can be proud of our achievements: CCF Baltija is the leading company in Latvia in logistics and brand marketing service field. We are growing even more and will offer even wider assortment of goods.
CCF Baltija – premium quality products for you and me.
Explore our Services

Active sales

Logistics in-out

Marketing Campaigns